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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Some Artwork.

Finally Made something for this empty site. I know I haven't posted anything a while so here ya go. Hopefully i get to work on more even better works. Maybe some tattoo designs tomorrow?...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Relieved....for now.

So yeah. I was kinda upset in my last post about sallie and thier evil ways and may have a tad bit over the top with a comment. (just a smidge) Luckily my father apparently has an silver tongue because he was not only able to get me another three months but I didn't have to pay an extension fee either so i still got some green in my pockets, yeah! But to show exactly how much salliemae rip people each time I called them they had given me a different number without fail even when the calls were on the same day! That just goes to show you, You can't trust salliemae with anything!

Friday, January 14, 2011

SallieMae got me Steaming right now....

Salliemae are Soulless Evil Mother Fuckers whose only purpose in life is to con Students out of their money by putting them in corners and raping their pockets out of everything their worth with Interest rates and Numbers they pull out their asses while getting off of your begging and pleading for help while Whispering in your ear "Their is no Help" because the truth of the matter is that thier isn't any help. No one to come from the shadows to save you, No Hero, No miracle just you sitting the corner with your pants down whimpering the corner. Fuck Salliemae Burn in the Deepest Darkest corner of Hell and Die Slowly For all Eternity Alone with no one to hear your cries for Help!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

$atan is Green!

So yeah my mind is all over the place right now. I have students to pay off, I need to buy a new laptop, I've been avoiding calls to pay off my credit card, there is no food in the fridge, I have no job and only a couple hundred saved up from my last job who no longer needs me because the "holiday season" is over. I only can afford one out of all these things but then I'll be sacrificing all the other things and I'll be broke. Money is evil, It causes more problems the more or less you have.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Needs a Little Something.

Yeah. Right now this blog is pretty empty, I guess I'm a have to upload something soon. Maybe I'll make something in the week. I just need an idea. Hmm?........

Friday, January 7, 2011

A List of Goals.....i guess.

So I guess I have to make a set of goals to achieve this year. This sux. I was nver really the person who liked to plan ahead. I like to make things up as I go. Like when I draw, animate, write and cook I make things up so when I finished I'm just as surprised as everyone else. But I guess I'll give it a shot.

Write up cover letters and apply to different studio jobs.
Get a job or internship that pays.
Get me a new laptop.
Do some side projects.
Do some sketches may be paint something.
Sell a piece of artwork.
Have the night of my life with someone awesome!
Lose a little weight?.......i'll think about that one.
Establish myself as an Artist.
Figure out a way to pay these damn bills.
Actually tell my friends I've made this blog.

These are just some ideas from the top of my head. I may or may not get to them. I'll most likely just post my goals as I'm doing it in random order. Anyway I guess it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Let the Games Begin!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why am I Doing This?

First off let me explain the title. Apparently my friends and fellow animation grads have decided it would be cool to blog for a year and compare our progress on a set of achievements we have made for ourselves for the end of that year. I'm don't really like writing that much about myself and have mentioned this plenty of times to my friends (kam). But "just because" I've decided to at least start one. I won't guarantee that I would post much, I probably won't update often, I wouldn't even be shock if I just stop tomorrow. Like the title says "I Make No Promises!"

P.s. I haven't even told my friends I have started this yet. I'm not sure when or if I'm going to. I might just as well wait a week or even a month just to piss them off thinking I'm not a team player while in fact I have been posting all along. Muahahahahahaha! I'm an ass. lol.