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Friday, January 7, 2011

A List of Goals.....i guess.

So I guess I have to make a set of goals to achieve this year. This sux. I was nver really the person who liked to plan ahead. I like to make things up as I go. Like when I draw, animate, write and cook I make things up so when I finished I'm just as surprised as everyone else. But I guess I'll give it a shot.

Write up cover letters and apply to different studio jobs.
Get a job or internship that pays.
Get me a new laptop.
Do some side projects.
Do some sketches may be paint something.
Sell a piece of artwork.
Have the night of my life with someone awesome!
Lose a little weight?.......i'll think about that one.
Establish myself as an Artist.
Figure out a way to pay these damn bills.
Actually tell my friends I've made this blog.

These are just some ideas from the top of my head. I may or may not get to them. I'll most likely just post my goals as I'm doing it in random order. Anyway I guess it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Let the Games Begin!

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